Unconscious Bias Training, Page 132 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

2403 reviews

  • 77% 5
  • 13% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Interesting & useful

I enjoy listening to the training and enjoy multi choice questions throughout the training.

Difficult to read the font as dyslexic

The reason for my four stars was the fact that I am dyslexic, The font was hard for me to recognised and I had to revisit on many times for me to process the resources and content. This had made this extremely difficult when doing the test as some of the question (words) look the same. I new the correct answer yet being dyslexic, the font was hard to read, due to this I hand to read the shape pattern instead.

very informative

No summary provided

Relevant, agile, thought provoking

Relevant, agile, thought provoking

Long overdue course.

Although brief, a well presented and thought provoking course. I agree we all have biases and I think like many others the different types of biases will confirm to many, how unconscious and 'conscious' biases creates unhealthy environments, inequality and oppressive work environments. I hope this course is a taster for more courses that promotes reflective practices, particularly for those in leadership positions and encourages all to re-consider the negative impact of biases.

Long overdue course.

Although brief, a well presented and thought provoking course. I agree we all have biases and I think like many others the different types of biases will confirm to many, how unconcious and 'consious' biases creates unhealthy environments, inequality and oppressive work environments. I hope this course is a taster for more courses that promotes reflective practices, particularly for those in leadership positions and encourages all to re-consider the negative impact of biases.

Concise and easy to follow

No summary provided

Good awareness raising

It is good to make people aware of this 'assumptions' so that they can challenge them and not let them influence their actions or decisions.It certainly gave me food for thought as well as some practical ideas going forward.

Very concise and to the point

Great on-line course thank you. Would recommend this for all work places and all schools to get every being on the planet being more self aware, kind and caring towards all.

short and meaningful at the same time

No summary provided


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