Unconscious Bias Training, Page 118 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

2403 reviews

  • 77% 5
  • 13% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Very interesting, makes you more aware

No summary provided

Really very good - very clear

No summary provided

Everyone is different

A reminder that everyone is different and we should embrace difference. We shouldn't stereotype, but often we do - even if that is an unconscious act. Be more open minded.

Very thorough and pretty clear

Failed on one question ( number 5 ) which I think is open to ambiguity though that may show an unconscious bias .

Brilliant Course

As someone who has worked on EDIB Projects across many organisations, this course has helped me to learn something new with regards to 'stereotypes' and certain educational models that help us to better understand our actions in the workplace.

The need to practice self awareness

Change of mindset and accepting all individuals is a conscious choice, the course helps you realise this. There are useful tools to challenge yourself and make improvements. The course brought to my attention the wide range of differing bias, with downloadable sheets as good reference aids.

Very helpful

I dispute the question in the quiz regarding if bias is natural. I don’t think you are born biased, you learn to be biased, so I think It is not natural. Hence getting the question”wrong”.

Very interesting and formative.

I find this course very interesting, is a such nice way to analyse our behaviour in certain situation and don't stuck on old experience that may cause you a wrong reaction. Every day is different every situation is different and every person is different. I REALLY SUGGEST! This course will help me in new relation whit colleague, customer and people around me. Thank you!

Clear and comprehensive

It was easy to follow the course and I liked the extra information that was available to print out.

very good training

the training was very interesting. It makes you think about your own behavior an how you can judge people unconsciously.


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