Unconscious Bias Training, Page 111 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

2403 reviews

  • 77% 5
  • 13% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
it was relevant

it was relevant to the work place

Very Good

Very useful in making me aware that indeed I do have unconscious biases and how to go about addressing these. The course is also well paced, informative and interesting.

not a useful course

No summary provided

Certainly makes you think.

Definitely struck a note with how I warm to people or put up shutters. Will think more about unconscious bias I have

Good content clearly delivered

Having completed unconscious bias courses in the past, I noticed that this one didn't spend very much time looking at how the consequences of our unconscious bias can affect others.

Well produced but really quite basic

A very introductory training module covering the very basics on unconscious bias. Interestingly (and probably intentionally) it did not really explore conscious bias and how those more ingrained thoughts, feelings and assumptions can impact on an employee in the workplace. Maybe this is explored in another module.

Comfortable & supportive.

Helps make you realise we all have this challenge to make ourselves & others better understood. Staying calm & allowing an honest outcome will bring many rewards.


No summary provided

Wasted time accessing

I always rate online staff development as poor. Why is there not an option to take the training on paper? It would be a 0 if the option was there.

this is pretty basic stuff.

I feel that this course does a slight disservice to the professionals that work in education . Their experience and knowledge of working with people should come first.


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