Stress Awareness & Management Training, Page 341 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

3482 reviews

  • 70% 5
  • 20% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
5 Stars


quite eye opening

whilst completing the course can be done in 30 minutes, I'd expect persons who feel stressed should want to revisit a lot of the sections to get the in-depth help that exists.

3 out of 5

The guy with the monitor was excellent

didn't really see the point

More a waste of time stating the obvious. Screen layout and readability was quite poor - click on button below - barely visible. Colour contrast very poor - some text very difficult to read - black on bown in particular

very helpful

I enjoyed this one - makes you think about how stress is affecting others at work and what is causing it.

User friendly and useful.

A useful tool for all staff. I will be recommending that all my staff take training. I think it is a very good way to be supporting staff well being.

Clear and easy to follow

Took test got 100% correct gave me 95% ?? Other wise excellant training Thanks

Good information, presented well.

Sound basic advice and thought provoking ideas. I think many people who complete it will benefit, whether they are stressed and did not realise or whether they always think they are stressed and are, for example, just a little unhappy or not as rich as they would like. The programme will perhaps urge people to think more about their lifestyles, jobs, relationships etc. and that can only be a good thing. For those who genuinely get stressed about exams, however, the last unit - "And now for the test!" - might be a little traumatic.

.very interesting

It is useful to understand the various causes of stress but it is an inevitable element of consultancy work.

The course is OK but has a few errors in

Alcohol is listed with tea and coffee as a stimulant, it is a depressant. You state in the text that it takes three cups of water to remove the caffine from the system of one cup of tea or coffee and then ask in the end questions how many cups of water are needed to re-hydrate after a cup of tea or coffee, the flushing of caffine and re-hydration are two different bodily processes.


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