Stress Awareness & Management Training, Page 327 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

3483 reviews

  • 70% 5
  • 20% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
Very beneficial course

A course that should be accomplished by all employess so that the strategies for coping with day to day demands can be better understood and achieved.

Learned quite a bit

Perhaps the stress test results should be available to the employer - albeit anonymously so that they can gauge the stress levels of their staff.

very good

The programme was very good and kept me interested all the way through

Well explained and well made

I learned a lot from the health and safety course and employees should be aware of these situation that happens in work place, as many don't and expects the individual to assume to have that inside knowledge already.

4 Stars

clear and precise presentation which assists the trainee in understanding how to avoid becoming stressed at work.

Clear training programme, of grerat use

Worth doing, helps with understanding stress and the tell tell signs.

This course is a must for everyone!

The Stress Awareness in the Workplace programme is splendid. Stress is increasingly impacting on us in all walks of life and this training helps us recognise the symptoms of stress before things get out of hand turn into potentially serious physical or emotional ill health. Prevention is key and by undertaking this training we can learn strategies to manage any stress we experience. It also reminds employers to share the responsibility and to introduce a stress policy if they do not already have one in place..


If you are a stressed person this could be very useful and it is always good to have hints to avoid stress.

Very informative

This training opened my eyes to the fact that I could be suffering from stress in the workplace. Many of the symptoms described I am actually suffering from and I have to take steps to reduce the stress that I am suffering from. Thank you


It is common sence, but good to be aware


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