Stress Awareness & Management Training, Page 279 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

3484 reviews

  • 70% 5
  • 20% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
Very user-friendly course.

I found this course very informative and it contained very useful information.

Interesting and informative

No summary provided

Useful background and information

Basic principles of what stress is, causes and mitigation measures.

Good overall

Slightly confusing to navigate as there is a lot going on, on screen at once. There are arrows that are sometimes highlighted and not at other times so not sure if I should click forward or if there is more information to come. The video is always followed by subtitles even if not needed which seems to delay moving on to the next stage of the training. The modules end without a recap, I feel a recap would benefit the training.

I very useful insight into this issue

A huge workforce issue that this course will support people in dealing with. There is some very useful information that helps to explain how to support staff. I hope everyone does this course.


No summary provided

quite easy if you listen to the recordin

No summary provided

Easy to use,helpful in raising awareness

No summary provided

easy enough to use

if you were stressed already do you think this would help???

easy to follow/use

Some of the visualisations (balloon etc) were good and got my interest. Presenter does a good job.Felt that the course was definitely written from the perspective of a company wanting to get the most productivity of their staff rather than really wanting to help staff who are struggling. It has an air of "you need to do this, this and this to make sure you don't take too much time off work or go postal on us". Which is in itself adds to the stress. It would have been refreshing if it addressed things like imposter syndrome, self medicating with alcohol etc, more in depth look at anxiety/depression. And better acknowledged external stressors such as divorce, caring for aged parents, parenting etc. The 'flight or fight' parts could be consolidated as you have to be living under a rock if you don't know about that.


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