Stress Awareness & Management Training, Page 224 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

3484 reviews

  • 70% 5
  • 20% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
was probably the most interesting

Q13 c) I believe it would be punching a 'hole' through the door as opposed to punching a 'whole' through the door.

Sensible advice.

No summary provided

Very useful!

Great reminder in how to recognise and deal with stress.

Course was easy to complete

Training delivered in this way where it is not essential to be in a classroom environment is most certainly the way forward. Less costly to the organisation and time saving all round.

Worthwhile training

On the whole the training was ok. Relevant, useful and informative.

Informativa and thought provoiking

No summary provided

reaffirmed my understanding

gave me some helpful tips to manage my stress in the workplace

I found it a bit too long

My attention was flagging towards the end. Otherwise fine.

The PIP acronym and the "4 Ds" were best

As someone coming to this little course looking for something practical to do about workplace stress, the PIP acronym and the idea of applying the "4 Ds" to the Prioritise section was the bit I found most useful and could have done with more of ... but I get that if the course is entitled "Stress Awareness", there's only so much time can be applied to techniques for dealing with it.

Very good as a first step.

Very good as a first step to recognizing and addressing stress. Useful supporting information.


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