Stress Awareness & Management Training, Page 163 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

3485 reviews

  • 70% 5
  • 20% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
very good online course

Will apply the 4 D Strategy

Excellent insight

Very helpful hints and educative topics which are life changing if followed correctly. This should be taught to care homes staff to help reduce levels of sickness and unnecessary absence.

Beneficial Tutorial

Good understanding of stress , pressure and Releif techniques . Much Beneficial .

Very Beneficial

Although completed previously, it was a good reminder of ways to self-help.

To the point and engaging

No summary provided

Stress symptoms test

When even ticking all the boxes leads to a result that you have low levels of stress, it leads to a lack of credibility. Having ticked 7 of the 9 boxes initially and seen the result, I went back and ticked all 9. Still shown as low stress.

easy to operate the site

Was very informative and also gave excellent examples of how to relieve stress and pressure

Great learning tool

I have done a version of this in my previous job and found this one equally useful, especially as a reminder of what I had previously learnt.

Good overall training

I could see some good additions in content and resources compared to the last time I did this training so that was good.

Simplistic and patronising

Feels like nothing more than a tick box exercise to demonstrate that information is being provided as required. Very simplistic presentation and content.


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