Sexual Harassment Awareness Training, Page 40 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

1096 reviews

  • 86% 5
  • 8% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
to the point - really useful information

thee was no unnecessary material, it was brief enough to convey all relevant material needed. I appreciated the fact it had optional additional material for more in depth guidance.Really useful to be able to rewind or forward as and when needed.

Informative and precise

No summary provided


Very helpfull this course ! Well done !

No summary provided

Very important information for everyone

Clear and succinct

Suggestion to improve one small area

I'm not sure I'm really in a position to critique this course as a whole, having not been in a workplace where this occurs. However, I can point out one thing I liked, and one area which I felt could have done with being covered slightly more fully: - I was impressed with the way the tests were designed to make me remember something I'd seen in a previous slide, reinforcing the image in my head and recapping the key point. - I feel that it would be helpful to have a little more on what to do if you have a concern as a third party - where you suspect someone might be experiencing sexual harassment, either by observing their reactions to a situation, or from comments they make. If you are uncertain whether they are uncomfortable with the situation you've observed, or whether they have faced harassment when you haven't been present, should you talk to them about it before speaking to a manager? If so, what should you then do if they assure you everything is ok? Should you still raise it with the manager at that point? Or if they ask you not to take it further? (I'll repeat that I haven't been in any such situation in a work setting, but am aware that it can happen.)

A very good package

A very good learning tools

Clear and concise.

Presenters are clear in their delivery, the scenarios were helpful in clarifying what was and what was not sexual harassment. What to do about sexual harassment was clear if you were a victim or a perpetrator, even if the perpetrator wasn't aware of the impact of their behaviour. Expectations from employers whether a small company or large, was also very clear. Overall a good training module that handled the sensitivity of the content well.

It was knowledgeable

No summary provided

It was a good course

No summary provided


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