Safer Recruitment in Education Training, Page 2 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

446 reviews

  • 80% 5
  • 15% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 0% 2
  • 0% 1
A good overview of safer recruitment

I felt this covered all the essentials a hiring manager might need to know

safe recruitment in education

A good introduction into the safer recruitment process for schools

Answer to test question incorrect

Q - When should Reference be sought, before or after interview. I said after, and was marked incorrect but course content states Step 8 is Interview, Step 9 is reference

Another stop-start course

At some times can be hard to concentrate on the content as modules are quite short and disconnected. Made worse by the ever-changing cast of on screen presenters.

covers the important points

No summary provided

Could have done with a bit more detail

Thought some of the questions on the test were misleading/trying to catch you out rather than testing your knowledge

Clear and simple, easy to understand.

No summary provided

very good

No summary provided

Good course too many voices

The training was useful and concise but the use of multiple people sometimes talking about the same section was distracting and made it harder to follow.

comprehensive guide to safer recruitment

A lot of information is conveyed during the training, which could be confusing at times as some sections were long covering multiple points. Breaking these down further could probably help


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