Safeguarding Children Training, Page 806 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

8316 reviews

  • 84% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1

No summary provided

Interesting and straightforward content

Found content interesting and largely appropriate for first year International students hoping to enter HE. Did experience problems accessing the Training suite, but once actually going, things proceeded nicely until it came to trying to take the Test. With excellent support from iHasco staff, was guided to facilitate seeing the tab to 'Take Test' by changing screen size, which had otherwise been concealed. So this first element has been interesting in its scope and coverage, even if a tad frustrating in the sheer amount of time it has taken to complete. The 'first thing on a Monday' call in response to my email to remedy the situation was much appreciated, and enabled me to meet today's final deadline.

Weak training at best

Obviously designed to help qualify a safeguarding certificate, not to test knowledge. The questions involved lack diversity or any real depth of knowledge, seeming to ask for signs of implicit knowledge as opposed to testing application of knowledge, the test looks at what logical engagement should be able to deduce, not what intelligent systems deem necessary. This is very much a test that leads to a high pass rate rather than a professional standard and in such enables thoughtless or reckless engagement with the protection of vulnerable people. It should be deemed an unacceptable testing method.

Very good couse

very useful and informative course. Easy to navigate and work through. Helpful summaries at the end of each video and chapter.

Clear information.

No summary provided

well structured and explained

very easy to follow, a sensitive subject handled and explained very well.

the program kept crashing

the program itself was easy to understand

Something that needed to be completed

No summary provided

Easy to do

Very good course, well spoken lady and very clear

Concise but informative.

It was enough information to be able to retain and take the test. Very good.


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