Safeguarding Children Training, Page 592 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

8491 reviews

  • 84% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Excellent course. Clear and informative

No summary provided

Clear, concise informative videos

Good videos, encourage engagement. Speaker is clear and provides all relevant information to complete the course.

Comprehensive coverage of topic

I thought the course was clear, thorough, and well-presented. The slides and videos were appropriate, and all of the information provided was relevant. In addition, the supporting materials and links were very helpful. The only thing I wasn't clear about was whether or not I could log back into the test after I had made my one incorrect answer - I decided to carry on in case I couldn't!

I found this to be very informative.

The course was informative and made me very aware of the meaning of safe guarding for all children. Also the responsibility we all have when working in a children’s facility.

very intense

a good course that covers the types of abuse the warning signs and how to react and deal with cases of child abuse

I have learnt quite a bit from this.

Enjoyable and informative course. Was easy listening and didnt take too long. Test is straightforward.

Good clear and informative course.

No summary provided

Delivers exactly what is needed.

Very concise and easy to understand on this difficult subject, but enough content to feel confident in recognising the signs and knowing what to do if the situation presents itself. Very professionally presented and covers all that is required in a concise but comprehensive way.

Found it very informative

I found the course very well presented and all the information given was really easy to understand throughout a brilliant way to learn something so sensitive.

Really good course

No summary provided


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