Safeguarding Children Training, Page 556 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

8352 reviews

  • 84% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1

I put this off, thinking my time could be better spent. I was wrong. Well filmed, handy short sections, just enough detail. Thanks

Comprehensive well presented course

It was very informative and appropriately pitched with plenty of extra material for those who wanted /needed to go deeper. However I noticed that some of the links to extra material either didn't work or didn't take you the relevant information / document. I wondered if the test at the end was a bit easy? I learnt quite a bit from the course but I think I could have got the same test result before doing the course.

Very easy too understand

Clear and concise explanation of each area. I did have to do the course it two separate sittings as some topics were quite upsetting and lots to take in.

Very Good

No summary provided

Very good, clear and to the point.

Extra reading offered to help clarify points. very good .

A very Informative presentation

A simple, comprehensive, presentation on all the important and relevant features regarding the safeguarding of children.

overall good

Some of the questions could have 2 answers. This lead me to get 2 questions wrong but overall good test.

informative without being shocking

No summary provided

A very Informative presentation

I found this presentation easy to follow. It was well presented and the speaker spoke clearly and precisely. The content was very informative and I have learnt a lot from this training module. It took me 1 hour 30 minutes to complete.

Very helpful and informative

No summary provided


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