Safeguarding Children Training, Page 542 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

8356 reviews

  • 84% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Very informative and interesting

No summary provided

Very thorough & easily understood

Whilst the course was very comprehensive, there was probably too much detail for my personal needs as an expedition assessor.

Very thorough and covered everything

This covered topics I was not aware of previously from other training, was very thorough

Clear to navigate

Very clear to navigate and expectations of the assessment at the end. Good summaries of each section. Phrases and jargon clearly explained. All suggested links worked. Excellent

Too long.

No summary provided

Concise and Informative

Unlike Safeguarding courses I have participated in previously, the iHASCO course was extremely informative yet quick and concise in the delivery of the information. The course was broken down very well into clear sections that made it easier to retain the information presented to you. Overall it was a well presented and straightforward course.

Very thorough and clear

Very thorough training, I completed Safeguarding training with another supply agency just before Christmas and it didn't talk about breast ironing, neither did it make it so clear what the 4 R's were (even though I would have been able to guess what they were anyway!) Finally I liked the repeated notion about going with your gut. You remind those undertaking training that you don't have to investigate, ask questions or make decisions you just have to flag the issue and let the DSL (or Police if applicable) do the rest. This is encouraging and soothing at the same time.

Very comprehensive and informative

A very good informative course but mainly appropriate to education, a condensed and more appropriate course would be more suitable for Bikeability Instructors as our teaching time with pupils is limited and defined by the Bikeability delivery training requirements of each individual school

It's good to understand.

I learnt quite a lot from this course. It's good to keep up to date with course. Thank you.


Was good


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