Safeguarding Children Training, Page 122 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

8327 reviews

  • 84% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Succinct yet thorough overview

Good overview of the safeguarding environment for children. Succinct summaries were given, yet it covered a good, broad basis. It could be enhanced further by providing a framework for typical disclosure interactions, to ensure people are prepared for their next disclosure. It would be helpful if there is an overall, summary document as an aide memoire. The workbook references don't match all the slide numbers.

excellent course

Doing this course mean a lots to me as I have learn so very important information that I have not know before, and I wish I could have this update always because its very educated and useful for everyone to do and put it in practice. This course has actually equip me more in working around children's.

Concise and relevant

This was easy to follow and dealt with issues in a sensitive manner. The presenters were eloquent and engaging.

Easy to use

Small bite size chunks of information presented in video format. Checking understanding a long the way all helped to support passing the assessment at the end.

clear and concise

Having completed this course many times with different providers, the iHasco course was the best. It was broken into manageable chunks, with clear information and I especially liked the links to relevant documents, legislation and links.

Well presented easy to follow course

A good course on an important subject.

course reminded me of legislations,

a good revision of procedure's


No summary provided

concise and informative course

I found this course to be informative and the short video segments are a perfect way of delivering the training.

Informative, accessible, interesting,

A very accessible and user friendly way to update crucial skills. Well and clearly presented information. The additional resources are very useful too. Thank you


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