Safeguarding Adults - Level 2 Training, Page 87 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

3990 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
great course

helps you to understand safeguarding in an easy to understand way


No summary provided


The most comprehensive course of this type I have listened to. Very detailed.

Clear and concise to follow

Course set out clearly easy to follow

More informative than most

Often I find training discusses the usual “what, when, why”, how to recognise etc. But it’s been rare that training will tell you where to go once you recognise it. As well as my company’s policies and procedures / safeguarding procedures, this training also gives details of who to go to in regards to other professionals if you’re NOT at work and recognise abuse. The information on CQC, SCIE, social care/social services, police etc was really beneficial. I enjoyed the videos and multiple choice questions and found the training easy to absorb in small sections, as well as the ability to pause whenever needed to make notes. Great training. Thank you

Helpful reminder

Clear and informative

Informative and relevant

I found the course to be one of the most enjoyable on line learning modules that I’ve done. The format was uncomplicated and easy to understand and navigate.

Very y useful and informative.

No summary provided

I enjoyed it

I find this topic needs more in terms of mental health associated from personal traumatic experiences, coping mechanisms and outcomes through data research. I believe safeguarding and looking for signs is necessary to save lives and become a voice. However individuals hide abuse or even deny abuse has or is happening, due to who the abuser is to them this can be challenging for multi agencies and the individual involved.

Really informative

Really interesting wich will help me at work and home


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