Safeguarding Adults - Level 2 Training, Page 343 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

3985 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Fantastic refreshing course

The Safeguarding course was a great refresher course it brought to light some new issues and that made me look at things differently it also brought about new discussions with myself and my manager, looking forward to the next training course with you.

Thorough information

This was very helpful and although a lot of it was familiar information there was quite a bit of technical, professional material which, clearly, needs to be known. As a volunteer for telephone befriending I imagine there are certain areas of training which would not apply so much e.g. noticing bruises, other visual changes,help shopping for articles of clothing or other things. The trainer in the videos spoke very quickly, covering a good deal of information in a short time and for that reason it would be great to be able to refer back to the information by way of a booklet or ebook.

Clear, Professional

I like the way the course is delivered in small chunks. Have to be careful the graphics do not distract from the message

Very clear and informative

No summary provided

Good Course with important information

I work with vulnerable adults on a daily basis-it's always good to refresh your knowledge and practices to ensure that you are up to date and are aware of the processes. Also, any questions regarding what constitutes abuse. The course is laid out in an interesting way to ensure that you can absorb the information, unlike other online courses I have completed.

Interesting training session

I do prefer interactive training with others. However, this is a way of giving information.

very good & thorough

No summary provided

Very informative information for my job

No summary provided

It was very easy to follow

I found it ok it explained everything you needed to know .


The course was really informative and reinforced knowledge and understanding about safeguarding, duties and responsiblities.


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