Safeguarding Adults - Level 2 Training, Page 338 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

3985 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
I enjoyed the course, easy to follow

I loved the layout it was interesting And very informative.

Useful Informative Concise

Interesting and clear presentation. I'm glad the transcript was there because I find it easier to take in written information than spoken. I feel I have learned the essentials backed up by the test questions.

Excellent Course and very informative

This course provides all the basic information required for staff to fully understand safeguarding. very easy to follow and very clear about the duty to report and expectations of what staff should do when a safeguarding concern id apparent.

Good clear advice

Clear videos, good clear advice and explanations

very intuitive and easy to navigate

The course summarised the key aspects of safeguarding in a non-technical and easily understood way. Helpful information on eg recognising symptoms and what to do, also updating on current legislation. Was just about the right length as well - too long and you lose people (non-professionals), too short and you omit key points.

Useful and informative

No summary provided


No summary provided

Good basic training

This training makes you consider risks, your duty of care and process to follow if abuse is disclosed/identified

Very informative, clear and consise.

No summary provided

Informative and Excellent course.

At our Almshouses the residents are very rarely if ever assessed as Vulnerable Adults when they initially come to us. To be qualified to occupy one of our properties the resident[s] must be bale to live independently. Our experience has been that vulnerability develops over time. We therefore see the need for this course which covers all aspects of dealing with Safeguarding and will ensure the safety of all.


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