Risk Assessment Training, Page 205 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

2577 reviews

  • 78% 5
  • 14% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
Videos should be skippable

Some people prefer to just read the transcript, rather than sit through the video which is presented at a very low pace. I don't understand why it is impossible to skip or navigate to the end of the video as necessary to accompany reading the transcript (e.g., risk assessment matrix). This is very cumbersome.

Clear and easy to follow

Questions throughout were helpful

Slow pace is frustrating and wastes time

All of these courses are frustrating. They go at the pace of the verbal presenter. I can easily read the transcript much faster and obtain the same information. Please set the timeout per page to 30 seconds. This is very frustrating for courses that I have taken multiple times like this one.

Straight forward and easy to undertand

Greatly taught in very easy to follow way and the assessment focuses on knowledge assessing and not to trick you

Very clear and easy to follow

No summary provided

Easy to use

Good course, very easy to read understand and follow, also grateful for the very useful added resources able to save and use after training, thank you. .


Assists withn work processes

Allow option of reading

The content of the course was excellent. My only issue was that it did not allow the alternative of reading the information rather than watching the presentation. For most people the presentation will be the most effective method, but some people (e.g. many academic staff) are fast readers and very good at absorbing information and could complete the course more quickly by reading the information (which should include the diagrams etc).

Very good

No summary provided


The courses have given me more confidents about doing courses which is great thank you


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