Risk Assessment Training, Page 161 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

2579 reviews

  • 78% 5
  • 14% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1

The course is very good. It is very educative and designed in simple form and that makes it easy to understand also it is flexible since you decide when to start and when to stop.

Clear and concise

No summary provided

Practical & precise

Information detailed to cover understanding & basic knowledge of what's involved with regards to completing risk assessments including difference between what constitutes a risk & a hazard. Good reminder factor for those that have completed this type of course before - skill fade is a key factor which diminish over lengthy periods of time so possibly introduce a 6 monthly refresher course.


made me aware of some risks that could happen in a workplace and what to do to prevent the risk of a accident. And to tell my line manager if anything goes wrong with ie: Dishwasher etc. which i do.

Ver clear and informative course

It should be taken seriously as it could prevent injury or worse.



small bits easy to navigate

getting interrupted as we do very easy to get back on track

This course was well paced & interesting

This course was well-paced, interesting, and very applied. It was easy to understand what to do, and took some of the mystery away about risk assessment. Totally suitable for all types of employees at any level.

easy to follow & learn at your own pace

I found the training very easy to follow and gave me the opportunity to learn at my own pace making the all process enjoyable.

Useful and clear coverage

An interesting module that focused on the hazards, risks and an assessment tool. Not new material, however the way it was covered made it palatable and engaging.


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