Returning to Work (during & after COVID-19) Training, Page 73 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.4

1066 reviews

  • 71% 5
  • 15% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 5% 1
Not what I expected

I believe this course was designed for someone with mental health problems and was largely irrelevant to me

Well-paced mostly relevant

Good mix of person and images. Animations not too fussy. Additional material useful.

Really useful course

No summary provided

great course, very comprehensive

Excellent info on this online course, quick and efficient way to reduce stress about returning to work in this difficult time.

the right kind of message

this I exactly the kind of message i'd hope to see reaching everyone in the country. not an emphasis on expectation but on safety and wellbeing. great job, thanks

Patronizing, ableist

There are a LOT of ableist assumptions in this training course. The stuff about exercise, the implication that work is so much easier in the workplace than at home are two examples. For many disabled people, exercise is not relaxing, sometimes it's not even possible. For many disabled people, the workplace is far more isolating and more difficult to navigate than working at home. Many disabled people have campaigned for years for the right to work flexibly at home, and this course is really insensitive to the fact that many people will be being forced back to the workplace where they are more isolated, under more stress and pressure, and less likely to be able to be productive. The way the course is set up is really poor as well. I'm deaf, so I prefer to read the transcript. Reading the transcript for each video takes a few seconds. But I have to sit through the video until it ends before I can move on? The option should be there to just read the transcript and skip the video.

Useful positive techniques

No summary provided

Thought provoking

Very useful, contained a range of elements thst i hadn't fully appreciated.

clear and concise

No summary provided

It was concise with practical advice

Could have included information about the positive role of trade unions.Useful resources to look at, in your own time.


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