Returning to Work (during & after COVID-19) Training, Page 58 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.4

1066 reviews

  • 71% 5
  • 15% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 5% 1
Clear content, positive message

No summary provided

Informative, clear & concise

No summary provided

Quick and to the point

Useful information

Very positive advise

No summary provided

Some practical tips included

Most of the content seems pretty obvious, but anyone feeling very anxious will benefit from hearing things laid out in a calm, friendly manner. Practical tips such as 'belly breathing' or putting lists together will hopefully give those people some small feeling of control too.

Good to have everybody getting back.

As someone who has worked throughout the office closures it has been particularly good to see our suppliers efforts to comply with the requirements. I personally have never washed my hands so regularly as my wife insists that I carry two flasks of boiling water in my vehicle with all the other equipment. We are both very vigilant when our. Well done Kenner’s as I appreciate the amount of time and effort that has gone into ensuring everything that can be put into place has been.

Great explanation and information

This training was not too long and contained relevant information and explanation to reassure people who are returning to work or have returned to work.

It was somewhat helpful.

A helpful course but a little patronising in places. Maybe there should be different levels of course. A lot of the video content was basic common sense and time wasting.

very basic

very linked to staff wellbeing not enough on working with clients/service users and our staff's duty of care to them

Informative and well presented

No summary provided


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