Returning to Work (during & after COVID-19) Training, Page 19 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.4

1066 reviews

  • 71% 5
  • 15% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 5% 1
Very good, covered everything

No summary provided

Interesting, relevant and needed.

Had already returned to work by time I had the opportunity to do this training module - it helped me to go over good working practise and answered some of my concerns. I had been shielding for a lot of the pandemic so felt that the advice was relevant and reassuring that my work were able to give us this extra training.

I enjoyed the manner of the presenters.

It was comprehensive and dealt with a lot of very relevant issues concerning returning to work

makes one think carefully about how you

its good to see others have similar concerns as you and you do not feel like an isolated case as others share your apprehension.


Was much easier to concentrate on these videos at work whilst we had a quiet hour rather than trying to watch at home with kids etc as a distraction

Good and Helpful

I was expecting it to be more focused on the changes to the rules and procedures within the Brookson Building. However, I thought this training was really helpful and caring, it addresses all of the mental health issues most employees will be feeling - shining a light on the fact that it is normal and that no-one is alone.

Covered all aspects

The course was very useful as it introduced all the relevant topics. The level of detail was good and the duration was sensible.

Clear and concise

The course is clear and concise and covers all the required ground. As a volunteer myself, it was perhaps less relevant than to a member of the paid staff.

Clear and concise

Nicely presented with good reference points and additional material.

Useful tips

It was helpful with some useful tips. I think some of the content was more relevant to returning to work after sickness absence (for example a Return to Work Interview)


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