Resilience Training, Page 55 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

997 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 9% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 3% 1
Exactly what I needed when I needed it.

Exactly what I needed when I needed it.

Very well delivered and insightful

Very well delivered and insightful course.

Thought provoking

I felt it was useful in providing insight into how we approach situations and how we can learn and progress from them


There are a few technique's that i found very interesting. Definitely going to try them. Thank you

Interesting resilience advices

I actually think that this course was an interesting experience and a valluable learning. Better that what I had thought it could be. I even took several notes. Important aspects for the dayly life, for dealling with life´s ups and downs. In this course there are also important advices to keep one´s mind wellbeing also in hard times. ESpecially for me was to understand or to remember that one can´t control what happens around one, but one can indeed control how one is going to react to it.

Excellent Course

A very good and worth while course. Really makes you think about how you react to situations and question your own emotions and actions to work and personal experiences.

Made me think more about my emotions

No summary provided

Practical and complete

Thought provoking ideas about self awareness and relationships with others to build resilience

Very thorough and appropriate

Covers all the essential elements of resilience, what it is and how to build it in the workplace and your psersonal life. There are plenty of examples and tools/techniques shared in each section.

Excellent and positive

No summary provided


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