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Good training

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Clear & Concise

Informative Interesting & easy too use

Very informative

Good to undertake refresher training sessions. Easy to follow and very informative.

Prevent makes us think about the dangers to our learners

This was exactly what’s needed with this type of knowledge update, well narrated and easy to follow, just 20mins to complete to 100% – says it all.

Really useful

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Not sure what to think of the updates on this Police intervention

This is more about the content of the course and law rather than how efficient the course is in delivering the learning outcomes. It is littered with a lot of 'could be's' and it is acknowledged most changes could be nothing to worry about and normal behaviour. Clarity lies with those who police this area. The course itself was laid well and completion brought more knowledge.

it opens up your understanding of what is called 'prevent duty'

well explained in a simple way for one to gain more understanding.

Very informative

Very informative course. I learnt a lot.

Good refresher

Good read and straight-forward course.

Detailed and Infomative.

I've been completing Prevent training for a few years now. This Pevent had lots of detail . I learnt some details that I haven't before .