Presentation Skills Training, Page 2 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

81 reviews

  • 64% 5
  • 26% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Useful tips & cheats for presenting

No summary provided

Clear, concise and informative

It's difficult to rate this course as the reason I think it's lacking is that it doesn't have a practice element to it, due to the nature of this digital learning platform, which I think is fairly key to improving presentation skills. The information conveyed is good and presented in a clear, concise way. However, perhaps, in the absence of a more practical element (due to the constraints of the online training approach) there could be some key questions to ask when practising with friends (as suggested in the video) or colleagues. I also think it's important to note that over-rehearsing is known to have a detrimental affect on presentation skills as it can make the presentation sound less natural and engaging. Thank you.


I found this informative yet daunting. Helpful tips to overcome nerves to present

Clear and precise delivery

Clear and well presented information, repeated and precise when necessary.

Very basic

Very limited some more ideas and techniques for good presentations would have been useful Good examples too

Some good tips included.

Basic introduction to a more familiar subject. Worth exploring some of the additional resources highlighted.

OK for the basics.

No summary provided

really useful and engaging

You can always learn something and refresh your skills and this course is great for that. Although I present regularly, I see so many 'death by PowerPoint' shows! and its good to be reminded that the aim is to convey infomation or help others learn, not to dump lots of infomation and jargon on someone. Very engaging presenter.

Informative in bite sized chunks

No summary provided

a good intro to presentation skills

I think the course would be improved by using filmed examples of good v. bad public speaking, visual aids etc. Using only the presenter, although he's engaging, doesn't provide the learner with any opportunity to compare and contrast. However a good link at the final page to further resources.


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