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Useful for the most part

The course was good in terms of providing an overview of maternity rights and employers' obligations. But there was quite a bit of time spent on giving advice to women who are pregnant (ie stay hydrated, take 30 min breaks) that wasn't relevant to the course. Some of the advice was so basic it bordered on silly – as in "mobile phones can be helpful" in allowing a pregnant woman to call for help when working alone. In short, the course, whose primary objective is to provide information about pregnant women's rights in the workplace and an employer's responsibility and obligations, could have been shorter. There are plenty of other resources out there for women who are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant to consult with regards to dealing with the physical and emotional effects of pregnancy.

Not applicable to all employees

While this session was very thorough in subject matter, I don’t think as a U.S. male employee that this amount of material was necessary to convey the basics of women’s maternity rights and pregnancy conditions.

Was interesting to learn about paternity leave and individuals who adopt

This is good course for all individuals to be made aware off. This would give a better understanding of all different accepts of New and Expectant Mothers.

Overall a good course however outdated for new government policies

Statutory pay rates quoted on the course were outdated along with paternity leave entitlements as these have changed over the last year.

not sure I need an hour long course to c

not sure I need an hour long course to cover a subject that is common sense apart from the "numbers"

The course is very informative

The course is specific and provides excellent guidance to employers managers and expectant mothers


a long one but much useful information


Clear and informative

Detailed and relevant

An interesting course, containing lots of relevant information that some people may not think about

Was really clear and well communicated

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars