Modern Slavery Training, Page 168 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

1935 reviews

  • 86% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 2% 3
  • 0% 2
  • 1% 1
Professionally,brief but comprehensively

No summary provided

Very informative

Made me aware of how modern slavery can be going on right beside me.

Corporate overview - very good

Excellent course gives overview on modern slavery affecting corporate organisations and what we can all do to combat this is dreadful societal affliction. Well presented, clear and covers the key points and gives government guidance, though with emphasis on already over stretched Police - not a fault of the course. Good point that all organisations should have slavery and trafficking statement, regardless of their turnover or number of employees. Nothing about direct help for the victims. Overall a great course that raises awareness of a serious issue clearly and effectively.

Very interesting and informative

No summary provided

to the point

No summary provided

Very interesting, thank you

No summary provided

Easy to follow with useful video

The transcript and video combined well and the video lengths were good in that they were short and manageable. The only slight criticism is that some of the test questions did not relate to the learning content i.e. if reporting modern slavery enables the victim to potentially remain anonymous. I may have missed it but do not recall anonymity being covered in the training but was a key part of the question. Overall it was a very useful training exercise. Thanks

Clear information and case studies

This content is very interesting. Useful for my community role as well as within employment context.

Clearly delivered and not rushed

This course taught me a lot in a straightforward way.


No summary provided


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