Mental Health Awareness Training for Carers and Nurses Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.9

92 reviews

  • 93% 5
  • 4% 4
  • 0% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Very informative

No summary provided

This was a refresher training for me.

Very helpful course and a good reminder as a manager to look out for our teams' wellbeing. I am proud to say that, our team always try and cultivate a culture of wellness, talking, open to share in our debriefs, or anytime when feeling under the weather. However, although this is a strength, when people have severe mental health in the workplace, we also need a balance on how much we can support each other, and sign posting colleagues to our Chaplain, counselling has been helpful as it also gives the colleague some dignity, and doesn't over burden the rest of the team because our work is emotionally and mentally draining as it is working with vulnerable everyone in our team. Last year, I had a hysterectomy surgery, and my return to work was extremely challenging, I soon realised that selfcare was crucial, and had to learn to be selfish to say no to people. We had a colleague really struggling with their mental health; I didn't have it in me to give out any emotional support, I just couldn't do it. So I spoke to my line manager that I need to protect my wellbeing. I am glad I did that, because now I am feeling better for it. Now I can give more of myself. I also have a family member whom once in a while they struggle with their mental health, and I feel sometimes its okay to be selfish. I go for selfish walks with my dog, vocal and silent prayers. Recently I went away for a 3days retreat; I feel super rejuvenated and so glad I did it. 😊


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gives a good overall awareness

No summary provided

This course is very good I learn in it

No summary provided

Excellent course

Really interesting


This course educate one on how mental health can be manage and be aware of it signs.

.very educative

No summary provided

5 stars


Good course

No summary provided


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