Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 99 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5208 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
I enjoyed it

The well being aspect of the course along with few diagnosis was an interesting topic. As well people do have a moment of anxiety daily from many external factors. Coping mechanism is essential.

A really great training video

So useful and proactive to have this as a mandatory training video. That are so many people unaware and or wary of mental health, the causes, symptoms and knock-on effects. This was really thorough, informative and non - patronising.

Too wordy, not enough interaction.

No summary provided

It's a Start

Having just completed a 12 week course in Mental Wellbeing to deal with my own issues, I would consider this a good introduction to it, but to label it as an actual "Training" course could be quite misleading to many expecting to gain a lot more from it.


great to see support and awareness about this very difficult Health issue

Great course

The course gave a great insight into the different types of mental health that people can suffer from. How it effects people differently, and what you can do to improve your wellbeing. The additional sub sections that you could download and view during the course were ideal. It gave you the option to view a specific type of the illness that you may be interested in, or wanted more information on.

A Great Course

Thoroughly enjoy this course and have learnt many things. It was very interesting to note how often we take things for granted or do things to try to impress others while pushing ourselves too far. I am now able to make more informed decisions on my wellbeing.

Very insightful and informative

I have had negative patterns of thoughts in the past. I tired to cope on my own and it did not help and only prolonged how I felt. With the things I have learned in this course I feel I am better prepared if I have negative thoughts or feel down in the future.

Great mental health awareness training

No summary provided

Very useful information

A well presented clear and concise course with lots of extremely useful information.


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