Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 89 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5208 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Not impressed!

Whilst the course does give a good first overview on different mental health issues. I think it should also focus on how mental health can be improved AT work, and what our responsibilities are regarding our own and our colleague's mental health to create an environment where people feel supported. Some of the suggestions are shallow and generalising (e.g. going to bed earlier doesn't necessary mean you sleep, certainly not if work stress is the cause of your insomnia!). Also, some of the test questions are ridiculous - for example, if your job pushes you to a breaking point, you shouldn't be working outside of your comfort zone! As employers it is our duty to support our employees and make reasonable adjustments, which is not highlighted at all on this course, which basically puts the blame on the employee for having "negative thought patterns" and the solution offered is to "change your outlook" or "have you tried CBT" when actually the mental health issue may be directly caused by an unreasonable workload, or workplace bullying, and reasonable adjustments at work may be required.

Very informative and organised course

Very informative, well organised and great contents. Thoroughly enjoyed it and many great points to consider and put into practice to improve overall wellbeing.

To the point course

Full of very useful information in a very simple easy to understand format.

A good detailed course

Abit long winded but has all good use full information easy to understand

Good course

Very useful

Good, makes me look at myself

Made me realise why I do some of the things I do. Physical exercise is my pressure valve but the course made me realise I am not using it, so I went on a cycle ride to clear my mind. It worked and I feel more alive and awake this morning.

It was informative, simple and enjoyable

I feel mental health is of utmost importance at work and in your daily life. Your mental health does effects you and everyone around you. I am a firm believer of the saying, "If you change the way you think about things then things will change. Taking three deep breaths I find makes a big difference for me. It stops my overthinking and lets me enjoy the moment. This training course made me more aware and appreciative of mental health. Thank you.

Great course

Made me think a bit more about mental health

very very good

excellent content treated sensitively

Food for thought.

Gave me things to think about, I am always 'glass half empty' and I will try to be 'glass half full'.


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