Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 511 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5202 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Excellent information and presentation

No summary provided

5 stars

Excellent description and resources

very much at an introduction level

No summary provided

I found the course very informative

I thought the course was very eye opening, mental health is not something I think about because it has not affected me yet and hopefully won't ever. But it was good to know what the signs are to look for in other employees.

Intuative,Informative and easy to follow

No summary provided

Good Awareness

No summary provided

Very well intended

In order to raise awareness this is a good start, however I personally think that acceptance of and the embracing of mental differences in others is the real issue to be addressed. Historically organisations and employers have very often stigmatised mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression, even to the extent of managing people out of the business. This creates a culture of distrust and secrecy, which can add to the problem.

Not bad but could be improved

It is quite simplistic and doesn't account well for serious mental health issues where it isn't as simple as trying to change negative thoughts into positive - perhaps a distinction needs to be drawn between the different severities of illness? I think it's a little patronising and could be improved upon considering where we are now with mental health.

Interesting and some good tips

No summary provided

informative and easy to understand

The good thing about this type of Course is you can go back to it if you get called to do something else. As being on night shift we deal with all emergencies


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