Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 51 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5207 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1

i did find this course helpful but some of the thing found unrealistic , as telling people to eat healthy or go to the gym what isnt always possible for people to do.


There is still stigma attached to men regarding mental health, it is and will always be seen as a sign of weakness by the older generations, whereas, the latest generation of adult males see this as any other ailment.

Good presentation

Covers the subject matter sufficiently.

Great courses

No summary provided

Very good.

Good course. Not that I have any issues but I can see how it would help those that do. Maybe have the info on where to get help a bit more front and centre

Very helpful

No summary provided

This course very informative/useful.

Other than parts of this course being an eye opener, while the other being familiar in everyday life, I found it very useful in the sense that it would enable me to identify where I can improve on my mental health. Knowing that a balanced diet and exercise and adequate sleep, can improve mental health and wellbeing. Refraining from thinking negatively and how to address it. How depression can become worse if not dealt with. I will be reading the 'Mental Health & Wellbeing' manual which will further provide me with an insight into the subject of mental health and perhaps enable me to be in a position to help and direct others if possible.

insightful and informative

I really liked how the subjects on the course where very relative to our time and our society, I got a lot from it and I downloaded the breathing tool. Thank You.

Helpful and informative

No summary provided

Good insight

No summary provided


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