Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 457 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5208 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Informative and easy to understand

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Great course, I learnt many things

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A brilliant introduction

This course gave an excellent overview of the different aspects that make up our mental health. It talked around some facts and then encouraged thought to be given towards how we support ourselves to be mentally well both now and in the future. A great awareness course and the test at the end encourages recall from all key topics.

Opens your eyes to what is around you

Very informative makes you more aware of both yourself and others around you. This can happen to anyone and it can be destructive if. It dealt with positively.

brilliant course

Very clear and interesting to listen too, helps understand mental heath a little bit more.

Very interesting.

Easy to follow and very relevant given that we are in the mist of coven 19 pandemic. We all need to look after our mental health, but particularly at this time when everyone is feeling under pressure to stay home, keep working, pay bills and look out for vulnerable family members.

Really good

No summary provided

Really helpful and informative

I felt this was a really lovely short course to do. It described exactly what each mental health condition was and how you feel when you are having such tendencies. It was helpful, informative and I'm very pleased to have the PDF to refer to. I have already downloaded a good few of the apps and feel it's been a very positive experience.

It made me reflect on my work load.

My job can be quite stressful, as I can be asked to take a class with 5 minutes notice. I now feel empowered to say, yes I can do it but need to read the plans and find the resources. I will also use the belly breathing to help.

some great advice and tools to use

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