Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 442 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5208 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Not 100% engaging hence only 4 *

I found the commentary to be very clear and understandable.

good on the whole

Some parts are a bit repetitive and unnecessary.

Interesting & informative!

This course was just the right amount of practical information - and with the added benefit of providing additional resources should these ever be required. I believe that I now feel better equipped to handle ‘bad days’ and I will take more notice of my thought patterns/behaviours, which should result in positive changes to my everyday life (both inside and outside the workplace). I will be sure to make more of a conscious effort to adopt the techniques that prevent mental health problems occurring and will pass on what I’ve learnt from today’s course, to others around me whom I believe will benefit.Overall, an informative course that will benefit all who take the time to complete this - thank you!

Great course

Very thought provoking and I can personally relate to certain aspects covered in this course


Just the right amount of info. Practical and concise but with additional resources Great links to sites I will use such as ‘tapping’ and TED Thank you

Eye opener

This warenest course has helped in more than one has helped myself as well as understanding others behaviour. Many thanks

Course was interesting

No summary provided

Realistic & reassuring advice

I found the course to be a great reminder of 'watch-out' signs for some areas of mental health as well as containing some initial actions that one can take to manage certain situations as well as what to do next if one needs help.

Positive and additional knowledge gained

Aware of a lot of the mental health issues but always good to hear more. Reinforces mechanisms and techniques if needed for both professional/personal circumstances. Useful and addition resources supplied if required.

very easy to do

practical tips


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