Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 431 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5208 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1

Love the short videos, which do help you to take in the information, very well put together and very professionally done.

Really imformative and key facts

Provided the right information and also enabled me to reflect on experiences and also identify times where perhaps I was not managing stress levels or mental health well and was not aware? The content enables you to pick up signs from other work colleagues and enables you to have some basic tools that can help manage people going forward.

Informative, interesting, good refresher

A very good recap & reminder to be mindful of own & others mental wellbeing. Delivered in an easy to follow manner.

Good for most people.

This is a good, generic, introduction for those with mental health issues or for others to recognise the signs. The problem comes when people feel so deeply that they are not strong enough to talk - no amount of awareness will give some individuals the confidence to ask for help.

Insightful course.

Gives a realisation that Mental Health should never be stigmatised. Listen to, and always encourage others (if not yourself) to seek help and advice on any problems associated with this issue.


No summary provided

A well produced course.

I would prefer to receive interactive training with others.


information is very good provided. Easy to understand.

A good course to raise awareness

A good course to raise awareness of both health and physical well being at work and home

Good course that explains all areas well

A thought provoking course that made me think of areas that I sometimes ignore and over look and just feel I have no choice but carry on and deal with them the best I can which is sometimes to my detriment.


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