Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 428 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5208 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
It made me aware and think of myself.

It's really important to take care of yourself, and it just made me aware of other factors that I do not suffer with, luckily but can help others.

Clear and Concise

I would recommend this as it was clear and concise and very easy to follow. I have not had a chance to look at the download yet but I am sure if it is similar to the course it is informative. I am interested in the breathing app and meditation app for my phone!

Course was very informative

It will has made me mindful in the future to take regular 5 min breaks and as made me aware that it is good to talk to someone if I feel stressed.

Clear and precise information delivered.

Provides a full understanding and awareness of mental heath and how it impacts on all of us.

Positive and enlightening.

As a long term Emotional Unstable Personality Disorder sufferer and Dysthymia sufferer I have been seen the many sides and facets of many mental health problems and have learnt to almost master my own mental health illness through many years of using several tools and different strategies of which many were mentioned in this course. Through completing this course this has only strengthened my knowledge and allowed me to have a solid recap of tips and coping strategies that I shall continue to use until the day that I have overcome my own mental health illnesses. Thoroughly enjoyed and shall continue to stay positive and keep training. Thank you very much!


Makes you stop and think, which we all need to do sometimes.

Very good and well presented

Very relevant and useful, helpful tips that can be used both at work in your personal life

Informative and useful

Useful and informative for yourself and your colleagues, it give you the indicators to look for if you feel something wrong with an employee or yourself

covered all aspects with good advice

No summary provided

Useful course

I liked the information and tips in this training video as they were insightful and practical. The fact that the links to extra information are right on the side of the presentation meant I checked a few as I was going along. I already have some stress tips written on my desktop and I thinking the mental health plan is a good extension of this, but a bit too lengthy for me so I might do a shorter version. The belly breathing was well explained, I tried it and think it is beneficial.


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