Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 403 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5208 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Easy to use

Well presented good advice and great explanations


This has actually really heled me understand my depression that I had over 20 yrs ago. Help wasn't really out there at that time & I did feel alone & I went through a lot. I believe if the help was out there like it is now it would have stopped me from having anxiety now. I've tried to come off medication & its a big no no. With me its the dizziness & palpitations. I'm a bit believer in helping someone who is having problems. I'm always there for people because I didn't have any help from work at the time. It was more of a "your off work for so long we dont believe you & we need to have confirmation from your doctor" this is how I felt & it pushed me backwards & ended up with me having more time off work. I'm so glad that circumstances have changed & we now have help available to us if we need it.

Very informative

No summary provided

Course is more of a structured guide

This course would have been better if it had optional questions you are able to answer in regards to your own personal experiences at work with mental health, treatment and wellbeing.

Easy to follow

Full of useful information and advice and guidance.

Very interesting.

No summary provided

Its really having good stuff

The material and the way of presentation was really awesome.

Good introduction to the subject.

I found the course interesting and will serve as a good starting point for people that previously would not have given the subject a lot of thought. It should hopefully encourage people to assess themselves and change the way they behave or seek help.


As someone who has struggled recently with their mental health. Starting the training out with a slide showing how much mental health costs businesses is incredibly tone deaf. Following this up by extolling "The power of positive thinking" as a way of managing mental health is abhorrent. If I was able to simply replace negative thoughts with positive ones then it wouldn't be an illness.


I found this course really informative


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