Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 373 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5214 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
thought provoking

good clear advise and easy to follow.

A good course

A good course overall, that doesn't recommend anti-depressants as the first course of action, Their could have been more on to deal with other people problems as a 'helper'

Very good

Very interesting course

Excellent well planned informative

thought it was a great introduction to this topic and got me thinking about the whole issue

It hit all the key points

I have suffered mental health issues in the past and used the techniques described in this training including regular exercise & meditation and am now fully recovered. I now put my mental health first with everything I do. I think this is a good course as it helps people to identify the negative signs before they break down. I wasn't aware I had an issue until I could barely carry on with every day life, so I feel this is a good course for people to take as a preventative measure.

Opened my eyes

This was very interesting. I was sure it would be another course that would put me to sleep. I was glued to my screen from the start. It has gave me alot more confidence going forward to be able to talk openly about any problems. The belly breathing was amazing. That is something I will use going forward.

It was a good experience.

No summary provided

What I learnt today has helped me a lot.

No summary provided

Very informative

Opened my mind a bit more about mental awareness also what to look for in friends other family members and indeed work colleagues. Also what support i could offer someone and calming measures.

Succinct and clear

No summary provided


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