Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 325 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5220 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Easy to follow

Delivered in a simple way to follow and maintain interest by using short slides

Excellent Course

Mental Health is a major illness and knowing about it, how it manifests itself and what to look for in others, is a vital part of training

Far too basic for me

I could have skipped to the test and got 20/20. Not really your bag but ‘ours’ in requiring introductory level training for all irrespective of SQEP and experience.


No summary provided

It was very interested to do

No summary provided

Repeats itself

The course repeats the same message (speak to another trusted person). I got tired of this.

very interesting and informative

I found this course to be very interesting, easy to understand and informative.

clear, educational and engaging

Really liked the delivery style and it was effective as I retained a good amount of the information when it came to the test. Really liked some of the practical options like the breathing module.

Very good and knowledgeable

Very good content.

Mental Health Awareness Training

I really got a great lift from doing this course, heard so many good pieces of advise that I already knew and other things that I didn't but its when its given to you in a proper format like this that you can take a great benefit from it. It's like being in a stuffy house and some beside you opening the window! Well done to all the team.


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