Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 312 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5221 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1

Lots of information and useful tools in understanding mental health and also coping with mental health issues

Really good

This was really good. From someone who does struggle with their mental health, I think the way this was explained was great. It gives off the right message to those people whom don't suffer so much and I think it was well explained. It also made me feel pretty normal and know I'm not alone, so thank you.

Good reminder and awareness

Good reminder on what too lookout for in myself and others to ensure stable positive attitude.

Useful for practical things you can do

The course is good for raising awareness of mental health issues and resources help to inform you for both self awareness and supporting and managing other members of your team. At times it can be both challenging and thought provoking on an individual and from a team perspective. There are lots of helpful techniques, ideas and information to help you assess your own lifestyle and ideas on simple changes you can make and repeat, repeat, repeat so they become part of your own management of your mental health wellbeing.

simple, clear and helpful

No summary provided


Its really an interesting course. Like it

Good course

informative content delivered at a steady pace. Enjoyed the material which I will use for my own benefit going forward

Removing Assumptions

This course has proved the most interesting to me, as I have experienced, or been involved with others that have experienced, every one of these mental health issues. It is important to highlight Mental Health and make people aware, but I still feel there is a fair way to go with regards to individuals feeling confident enough to speak up and companies genuinely, addressing the matter without prejudice.

Very Good!

Because help me to know what is envolve.

Good refresher

a good refresher to make you stop and think for a bit


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