Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 303 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5221 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Really good. Clear and strong message.

It was easy and interesting to watch. Still find myself thinking about it afterwards.

Excellent course.

This course really gives a good insight of living with mental health. A very real description is given.

Relevant training, thought provoking

Very relevant training for today's society and really informative. Too much information given for one session, needs to broken down into smaller sessions. Need some real-life experiences shared for each area of mental health covered, would create a greater impact and remind us of the importance of our own & others good mental health.

This training has worth to go through it

No summary provided

It met the statutory requirements

Didn't listen to a word of it, used common sense to answer the questions. Too many establishments telling us what to eat and how to exercise make you numb to the subject.

Clear and easy to understand

Good understanding and awareness on mental issues.

An excellent course - highly recommended

A really worthwhile course, with lots of useful resources to refer back to. The training content was well presented, with good pace and structure.

Course just long enough to give you basi

No summary provided

Some useful tips

A lot of it is fairly self-explanatory and a little on the obvious side, but it helps raise awareness and I can see it provides some useful links and resources for anyone suffering from or in the early stages of having a mental health issue. Plus its certainly good to know what the early warning signs may be, whether that be personal or in a colleague or someone you know.

Clear, focused and useful

The videos were short and focused making it easy to digest the information. The level of detail seemed well targeted with additional information very easy to access. The content was clear, good pace and although there wasn't much that I felt was new to me I welcomed the reminder of it's importance and the opportunity to take a moment to reflect on my current situation.


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