Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 293 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5224 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
Excellent information.

Course material incorporated Mental Health Issues that you may come across in your course of life or know someone who has. How to get help and improve your life , family and collegues.

Positive and Empowering

I found this course very useful and full of important information without it being overwhelming. The tutors voices were very comforting and I found the resources offered were an added bonus to help extend my knowledge. The course was enjoyable and insightful. I found it all very positive and empowering. More courses like these are needed for individuals and the workplaces. Thank you.

A beneficial introduction and worth the

No summary provided

Professionally presented

Well put together, covers the right material. A few more links to other sources of mental health advice might be good but otherwise, pretty solid.

Excellent, informative, insightful

as above

Mental health awareness

Detailed and easy to understand.

Easy-to-approach intro course

Easy-to-approach and -digest introductory course to the subject with key messages for self analysis and tips how to get started with simple Tools, easy to implement in the day-to-day routine.


I think this was a very useful course and applies to everyone. I learnt a great deal and hopefully will put into practise the many useful tips and tools to help recognise any early signs of my (and others near to me) mental wellbeing being adversely affected. An excellent course.

i think this course was really helpful

I am suffering with some mental health issues at the moment and the course just gave me insight that I am on the right track to recovery, and also gave me useful tools/links to help me along this journey.

Thought provoking

A useful insight into things that we generally disregard or don't understand. Pertinent to my own situation in which I'm living away from home for a new job and awaiting a house move to the new area, a move that is now more than a month overdue on account of things out of our control.


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