Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 253 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5224 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
Truly insightful

The course is of immense importance. I didn't know such useful resources were available

informative, factual, helpful

Mental Health Awareness Training has been very useful to learn. the content was easy to understand, broken down into easy to retain snippets that were not at all patronising or dismissive. This was engaging and genuinely informative. I understand more now and will take it with me into the workplace. Thank you Ihasco.

Very helpful

Lots of good advice and direction. Useful help in a straight forward manner. A few more exercises for dealing with mental health would have been good but other than that, it was smashing.

positive course

Awareness creating course

Patronising and simplistic

The course spoke to trainees as though they were stupid, It talked about some approaches to help with mental health problems but completely missed some avenues to help, and overemphasised breathing and mindfulness.

Good course, well presented

Good content, very interesting

Understanding how you feel

I feel that sometimes people genuinely do not know their actual state of mind and are not sure how to understand it. Is there a test that people might be able to take to see where they are?


some approaches might be debatable. Overall a bit too simplified.


Helped to understand the different aspects of Mental Health and the affects, enabling to assist with helping

very insightful

Has given me the tools to deal with any mental health issues that I may get or my colleagues and friends.


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