Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 214 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5221 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Interesting, engaging

Really enjoyed this course and learned some important information too. The course was interesting and engaging throughout

Good general overview of mental health

No summary provided


You had someone who really understood mental health writing this. Excellent, it was such a compassionate and understanding presentation.

Extremely informative and well presented

Decided to get on and do this course. Was supprised to find it so well presented and gave info that I hadn't thought about before. Even better with a great pass mark too

Good base of knowledge

Good introduction to the signs and effects that mental health can have on an individual. Great to have additional information and tools to help with managing issues.

Very informative clear and easy to use

A great introduction to Mental Health Awareness. I have completed a Mental Health First Aider course in a previous role and felt this was pitched very well as an overview of Mental Health which was easy to follow and informative, with good links to external resources. MHFA is not for everyone, but this level of information is essential in my opinion and great to see on starting with my new employer that it is being taken seriously and not just a handout as can often be the case.

good to have mixture of spoken and text

Useful background and should help people become more aware of their own feelings. The essential thing is though if they do speak up at work then the mechanisms that are needed to support them have to be in place. So it is felt that there should be additional training for Team Leads and Managers. There should also be someone else that the person can talk to in the work place such as occupational health or someone in HR with a designated role as there is the risk that if they go to their line manager then that person may have their own prejudices against mental health which could lead to additional issues.


Great course, very professional and informative!

Full of detail and easy to follow.

No summary provided

It was excellent.

It was very well put together and explained it very well so it was easy to understand. Lots of resources available too.


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