Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 154 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5214 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Quite long

I thought this training was quite long. Though it was quite informative, it didn't seem very relevant in parts (it was quite detailed on some topics that didn't seem to be the right tone for a workplace training, some of the content seemed more relevant for information you'd find at your GP). Other workplace trainings on this topic didn't cover this topic in as much depth. However, I found the tips on overall wellness very helpful and interesting.

A good basic introduction

No summary provided

Very helpful

Very helpful to help somebody who needs help

Very useful and interesting.

No summary provided

good course

a good insight on how we can be affected, without really thinking or knowing you could have the symptoms already already

Great to get some knowledge

No summary provided

Very informative

It was a well presented course and was very informative. I found out things I didn’t know beforehand. Thank you!

good basic mental health training

would be good if it went into other disorders that feed depression and anxiety, like ADHD, autism, etc. and how office environments can be very triggering to people with sensory processing disorders. it'll help raise awareness that can make people more understanding, as explaining to management the brightness of the office lights along with the aircon blowing on you is going to drive you to a meltdown is very difficult when they are not aware that many adults suffer with these, many of who went un-diagnosed and supported when they were younger, and there is almost zero support as an adult IF and when you ARE diagnosed, a lot of the time it is mis-diagnosed as GAD, or depression

More aware of how this can affect

A very detailed, calm and sensitive course on how so many people can have mental health issues and at different levels. Great to hear how often it is emphasised to seek help, speak toa trusted person. Certainly, had my eyes opened much further and have a far greater understanding and awareness regards mental health.

Good all round training

No summary provided


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