Mental Health Awareness Training, Page 105 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5208 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Clear and informative

The explanations and illustrations were clear and easy to understand. It was straightforward to move around and click on further links. The various aspects of mental wellbeing and how to find help were wide and well described. I already have a good understanding of this subject, but it was good to reminded of tools to help manage situations and take care of myself.

Helpful, thought provoking.

We probably don't think enough about this topic. Statistics show it is an increasing problem in society that can affect anyone - possibly without us being totally aware that it is happening. This course reinforces the topic in a easy to follow set of headings and explanations that will certainly make us more aware of how easy we could fall into this threat.

Very informative

Very informative training with useful take away tips

Lots of helpful information

An interesting watch. Good sign posting to sources of more information or support. Helpful techniques briefly explored.

Course material is good

No summary provided

raising awareness

Informative and useful raises awareness of the stresses of day to day working

Very good reminder and infOrmative

No summary provided


super educational

this was a good course

It would be nice to be able to review my test results at the end so you could look over any answer where you might have chosen the wrong option

Useful simple course

A briefing of what the test entails - basically a summary of the points outlined in the course - may alleviate any stress caused by the worry of not completing the test successfully. I think this would be particularly significant considering the subject.


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