Mental Health Awareness Training for Managers, Page 70 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

1245 reviews

  • 81% 5
  • 13% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1
Very much a beginners guide

Would of liked more in depth, but I'm guessing that's why we have the resources.

I thought it was self explainotory

No summary provided

Very good training

It was very good training and opened my eyes to things I would not have necessarily correlated. Also the Wellness Action Plan is something I will push my organisation to implement.

Really helpful and informative

I am already very passionate about supporting mental health. I found this course to be excellent - it sets out, clearly what mental health problems can arise and how to spot them, but more importantly gives some valuable, usable tools which I will now take forward and use with my team. Many thanks 😊

Great training really engaging

Really engaging training - switching between trainers and having short sections really helped breaking down the subject matter into bite sized chucks.

Informative interactive helpful

Perhaps change mental health "problems" to MH Difficulties.

condescending and patronising

As someone who has struggled with mental illness for most of my life, with therapy and medication, I found a lot of this course very difficult to connect with. It seemed to be written from a neurotypical voice that came across as condescending and patronising in some areas, ie. "Swap the negatives for positives and see how you feel after a while" or "Eat, sleep, exercise, repeat". Whilst well-meaning, I feel as if this could be a dangerous and harmful precedent to set, especially if the manager/upper management are neurotypical and tried to advise this to a member of staff/site manager who is struggling with severe mental illness (sometimes caused by work stress, especially for managers) that cannot be fixed with "eating less sugar", "me time" or "deep belly breaths".

Really valuable information.

I think the content in the course is really useful and I think it should be rolled out to all members of staff, not just management. I hope this is the start creating a better working environment and not just a tick box exercise.

Answer selection wrong

I had several questions where I selected the right answer and it told me I was wrong. I reloaded to make sure it was right and it happened again with another question so I should have got 20/20. Needs sorting.


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