Mental Health Awareness Training for Managers, Page 49 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

1245 reviews

  • 81% 5
  • 13% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1
Good course

Found this really useful and relevant as I suffered a period of psychosis back last year, still on medication and having weekly meetings with the Early Intervention team.

some of the slides were quite obvious.

The first half seemed to be aimed at those suffering with ,mental health and how they can manage it, which then didn't feel relevant to how I can manage individuals in my team. It was quite low brow/patronising - being told to think of happy thoughts instead of negative ones. I did find it helpful to have a well being action plan in place where both the team member and manager can work together. Unfortunately for my situation, working together on such a plan is not possible as HR are dealing with the issue.

Interseting course

No summary provided

Excellent overview

This is an excellent overview to Mental Health Awareness as well as a knowledge guide for managers. Presentations, topics, links, advice, tips and downloads are very good.

Excellent all round course

I enjoyed the course and felt it gave a clear well rounded explanation of many Mental Health issues

Presented well and acheivable

Turned what was once a taboo subject in to common sense. Instead of feeling as if it is a weakness it was presented as something that can happen to anyone, and gave pointers on how to identify it in yourself an others and the simple effective changes that can be made. Would have liked to have seen more on yoga as it combines breathing techniques and exercise which can totally realign perspective and train of thought in a short time.

Helps to recognise early signs

As well as looking for early signs, it does give you the tools to take action and discuss this before there is a problem or issue. Discuss workload , stresses and issues externally such as child care, elderly parents etc. This is particularly helpful just now, in the current climate as some may feel isolated. I have sent the WAP across to all my team members, asking if there is anything they want to share or if they wish to monitor themselves.

Very informative

Helps with identification of a very common illness, assists on how to manage it within the workplace

easily understood

No summary provided

Clear and concise

A clear and concise course covering the mental health parts of employees and actions to be followed by their managers in order to assist in improving mental health at work.


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