Mental Health Awareness Training for Managers, Page 109 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

1245 reviews

  • 81% 5
  • 13% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1
It was boring

It was very theoretical and dry. I don't understand why this is a mandatory course when I am not a manager... perhaps there is a shorter course for non-managers and I was assigned to the wrong course.

A good overview of mental health issues

I liked this course. It was clear and concise but raised some very important issues. Lots of links provided for further follow up if desired.

Informative, relatable content

No summary provided

Clear simple interesting

No summary provided

Useful and informative.

Without being too technical, it is a good overview and introduces some useful practical ideas like the Wellness Action Plan (WAP) and Mental Health at Work Plan.

great starter course

There are some really useful ideas here and it would be great if these were available to other team members besides management

This was a general introduction

As a line manager, I would need to do more research to fully assist members of my team who are suffering from stress and anxiety. Handling work related stress of colleagues is one thing but when the stress is external a line manager would need to decide what guidance was appropriate.

Very good course, essential for everyone

Duration: a little bit too long, it took me longer than 50 mins to listen to audio. And then there was the test to complete. Content: excellent, it covered a wide range of aspects of mental illness, signs, and things to do to help various conditions Delivery: Very good, needed variation of more than one speaker. Also, good to have additional links here and there through the delivery.

The content is interesting and relevant

The course content is interesting, relevant, easy to understand and well delivered. I also liked the graphics and overall design of the slides. I did think the test was maybe too easy and perhaps the questions could be made slightly more challenging?

Recommended training

Really informative training that looked at all aspects of mental health in depth. I liked the style of the presentation , and the way that additional information was available for further reading . The content was useful and very solution focused.


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